It is rude to be silent,
and let the barbarians talk.
(Euripides, Rev. 796.2)
In this famous statement from a lost tragedy by Euripides, Aristotle replaced the word “barbarians”, i.e. those foreigner to the Greek culture, with the name Xenophon, because the latter recorded the Persian education. This “obscenity”, which overrides the natural flow, concerns not only the barbarians outside Greece but also those inside.
In the public life of our days, cartoons pretending to be politicians and journalists, are willing to sell Greece and Europe in order to stay on the pews of Mobocracy. They blame Nationalists for “intolerance”, they impose Stalin-type silencing, abolish with photographic “Laws” the rights of the parties they fear, and exploit popular sentiment to their own interests.
Destruction is the word for “Left”
The political establishment of the Left, which encouraged and used the material bulimia among people so that Greece could come to its present catastrophic situation, the Socialist PASOK democracy that moved on to populate SYRIZA and continues to destroy the middle class, attack anything Greek, pandering, blocking, threatening.
In the “Right”, too, politicians who built a personal and political career literally selling Greece, and pretending to be ultra-nationalists turn into apologists and pilgrims to Jerusalem, i.e. Leftists.
So, since Leftists and Rightists look so alike, how timely is it to talk today about political identities? In Greece, ruled by foreign imposed memoranda, sailing into the unstable international environment without a national target, sinking into immigrant orchestrated and executed organized crime, with its borders unguarded, what is the point of talking about the Right?
It is more necessary and urgent than ever.
Behind the lights of a constructed reality that dazzles, it is necessary to realize that Capitalism and Communism are both Leftist.
The “extremes”
The dipole that emerged in Greece with the synergy of the catalyst of the economic crisis did not cause the division of Greek society, but the return of the two former political poles to their true status. The division existed either as a capitalist exploitation which was exacerbated by the crisis (with labor exploitation, undeclared work, “black” economy, smuggling, etc.), or as a communist class hate of beliefs of the lazy against the working and truly progressive. Capitalism and Communism converged in one connecting element of their ideological construction: denial of the Nation. Capitalism and Communism acted before the fall of applied Socialism, in a balanced and compensatory manner. Now, with the dominance of Capitalism in the Economy, the need for balancing has moved to the level of Ideas. There, the negation of the notion of Nation by both Capitalism and Communism, caused the awakening of Nationalism.
Extreme problems, however, create the need for drastic solutions.
Greece is Right
According to the Pythagoreans, the Right symbolizes the correctness of thought followed by the right-turning order of the Universe, as described by Aristotle in “On Uranus”. Can one question the motion of the planets without destroying Physical balance, Harmony and Life itself? The Skill of Greek Thought is expressed in writing from left to right. Thus, Greek Thought contradicts the Middle Eastern theocracy and totalitarianism, since the Middle Eastern write from right to left. That is why Herodotus called them “left”.
“… letters are written, and Greeks are considered those who by the left to the right, bear the hand”
(HERODOTUS Historiae 2.36.4-21)
It is therefore clear that whatever agrees with the rules of Nature, what is physically logical, that is, physi-o-logical, is Right.
In other words, the Right-Left contrast is about the opposition between Philosophy, namely the Greek Thought, and the Empire of the Despots of the East, just as the Stalinist dictators of today who copy the policies of their Soviet idol, impose, and those, too, who express the Left Thought, in the writing of the Right.
The Right and Golden Dawn
It is often argued that Golden Dawn used the economic crisis in order to unfold a “hate speech” against the political system. In fact, “wrong” cannot be found in Golden Dawn, but in the very political system that struggles structurally.
It is only natural and expected for the devastation of Greek households to bring on the radicalization of Greeks, both against the leftist wretched Communisation of the country and the “Rightwing” and “Far-right” cheaters, the false and misleadingly called “Right”.
In other words, the problem is not with Nature who created diversity, nor with Golden Dawn who calls for its protection, but with those who violate Nature and its rules, and impose a senseless “logic” which opposes what the Greek language calls “normal”, that is, the logic of Nature.
If today the Greeks are deepening the ranks of the Golden Dawn, it is because there are anti-nationalists who denounce with hatred the Greek nation.
Only, History teaches those who gladly bend at its source, that is the Greek Thought, and those who ignore it, forcing them with hard lessons, that theocratic Communism collapsed, and Capitalism of the equally theocratic elites collapses, too.
Winner will come out of the Right, the True Right Thought, which rejects both the deniers and the hypocrites who exploit Greece and Hellenism, in both Greece and in the whole of the civilized world.
Forward, for a true Greek Right!
Irene Dimopoulou
Editor, Empros