EurHope: Press Release #1
#sanctionsonturkey Yesterday, the troops operating under the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan illegally entered the territory of the officially...
New beginnings
It's been a few years since EurHope was founded. It is a think-tank dedicated entirely to Europe; to her history, heritage, and the current political...
Dawid Kaczmarek
Dawid Kaczmarek: Europe between West and East
Oswald Spengler (1880 - 1936) - German historian, publicist and philosopher of culture. He was born into a bourgeois family. Already when he attended...
Let’s face the post-covid society!
After the pandemic, many things will change in our way of life, in the economy, in politics, and it’s our fundamental duty to live up to the new...
Gabriele Adinolfi
Gabriele Adinolfi: Erdogan’s blackmail
The pressure from the Turkish border of immigrants to Greece is clearly an act of war. It is certainly an act of hostility towards Athens, but it is...
Vanguards of Europe
Some among us may be active in politics, in radical political movements or populist parties. Some may participate in a study center or association....
The populist challenge in Europe will lead to nothing if it does not lead to a European sovereignty in which nations will find an imperial synthesis...
Dawid Kaczmarek
Warsaw’s Theatre of the Absurd
In Samuel Bernard Cohen's book "Geography and Politics in a World Divided”, published by himself in 1963, the American geographer and political...
Dawid Kaczmarek
Changing the Rules of the Game
When, at the beginning of May of this year, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, withdrew his country from the nuclear agreement with...
Irene Dimopoulou
Greek Thought is Right Thought
It is rude to be silent, and let the barbarians talk. (Euripides, Rev. 796.2) In this famous statement from a lost tragedy by...
Europe of peoples and nations
On December, 16th and 17h, a debate took place in Madrid just during the Catalan crisis. On December 16th the debate was held at the Hermandad...
EurHope in Grece
Organized by AEMN. The aim of this AEMN project is to trace the historical and cultural sources of Europe to promote the consensus among its peoples...
Report of our meeting in Transylvania
From 1st to the 3rd of September, a meeting of EurHope took place. The place chosen to spend time together, to take stock of the activities...
Hundreds of people attended the Scandza Forum in Oslo
Stopping non-western immigration is not enough, we have to actually reverse the immigration flow. That was the message from Greg Johnson at the very...
EurHope, Paris : report of the meeting
organized by AEMN. Paris on Saturday the 17th of June has heard the true European voice, of those who were born and bread in the ideal culture which...
Enric Ravello
We were the first to positively point out the positions of –the then candidate- Donald Trump on foreign policy and on his confrontation with Islamism...
Irene Dimopoulou
Conquer Fear in order to win
I do not know of a stronger means of making wither a young person’s hopes and dreams, before they even come into bloom, other than Fear. Fear is the...
Irene Dimopoulou
I’ll be a Woman, when you are a Man
Our society is becoming effeminate. It largely is already, to the point that I wonder whether it can be saved or if we need to adapt to the new...
Gabriele Adinolfi
America First Doesn’t Resonate in Europe
A Series of Disappointing Results Ever since the irreversible decline of the EU and the failure of it's German leadership was widely predicted the...
Gabriele Adinolfi
Europhobie attracts nobody.
A number of disappointing scores Since somebody started predicting the irreversible decline of the EU and the failure of its German leadership,...
Enric Ravello
Geert Wilders and the Dutch elections
Whoever has a knowledge about Dutch society or better who has known it two decades ago, the results of yesterday's election are suprisiing. Only a few...
Gabriele Adinolfi
To conquer Brussels
Bled white by its civil war (1915-1945) Europe today finds itself in a state of total moral dissolution. The process of globalization has forced...
Irene Dimopoulou
Which way, European woman?
We celebrate today International Woman’s Day. As it appears, many European Nationalists would like to see women return to their pans and kitchens,...
Gabriele Adinolfi
Polaris: Editorial
Space and time are closely linked together both from a physical and from a philosophical point of view. In theory, both are measurable in objective...
EurHope & Polaris, Trieste (Italy) : report of the meeting
Trieste, a fully italian city has been an Asburgic port between 1382 and 1918, the adriatic door of MittelEurope, and enjoyed a particular federal...
Gabriele Adinolfi
Imperium was not only the source and the attribute of the military command in Rome, but an axial prerogative, like the sword, the fasces and the...
Raivis Zeltīts
Who will lead nationalism in Europe?
Hundred years ago an epic struggle was happening in Europe about which direction of socialism will prove to be the dominant one. The question now is...
Europe of free nations
The EurHope Think Tank shares the idea of "Europe of free nations" and cooperates in activities of research, study, publication and event organization...