A number of disappointing scores
Since somebody started predicting the irreversible decline of the EU and the failure of its German leadership, evidence has produced the exact contrary.
We began with the regression of Austrian populists at the repetition of Austrian Presidential election, then the stop suffered by Wilders in Holland. In the Saar regional election, Merkel’s party has gained a great victory and above all, the AFD has gained half the votes predicted by the exit polls. In Bulgary where a prorussian and very soft towards Brussels shift was predicted, the proeuropean conservative party won the elections
In the meanwhile, opinion polls show that 70% of young Italians are against the Italexit and that 72% of young Frenchmen are against returning to the Franc.
This shows how the extreme right semplicistic approach is not able to engage the current situation and if it keeps going this way, the risk is to abort a popular consensus which it’s not able to lead towards strategic goals, limiting its action in a superficial way, hoping that its leaders will find a seat in Parliament or keep the one they already have.
A wrong diagnosis
I will not list the eurofobic absurdities of terminal right wing, at least in Italy, only because I do not reckon they have a role in the electoral process. Mass psychology does instead. If the eurodisintegration loses its appeal or loses ground, it means that who thought so, has formulated a wrong diagnosis.
This could be blamed on the aggressive tones used by the Americans which have produced a healthy emotional reaction, or, it could be that the common sentiment amongst Europeans has grown, contrary to the mantra which can be heard to exhaustion in the reactionary field, nevertheless in the last months it is clear that people in Europe are in favour of radical changes and is very critical about the EU, but is not in favour of leaving the EU. Maybe is waiting for somebody to call for Europe First against America First and not the today call for being all secessionists servants of the USA. Maybe.
A change of menu
Where intelligence lacks, instinct can play a role. Therefore, starting from AfD the antieuropean and antieuro issues have started to be left behind. Grillo, in Italy, has perceived that it is not a good idea to propose the exit from the single currency because, as FPO has pointed out to Marine Le Pen, it would be a political suicide. Marine le Pen herself which has built her Presidential campaign on the Frexit and the return to the Franc has perceived that the less she refers to these issues the better it is, but her enemies are using the same issues in order to depict her as a peril for France.
Nevertheless, Marine will gain a great result because she faces a national system which has gone bankrupt, but by using the antieuropean themes she is preventing many French, which are disgusted with traditional parties, from voting her.
In any case, another scenario could be a stall situation between Macron and Marine in order to better pick the French bone clean.
Here, we would limit to underline how the sellers of fairytales and miraculous recipes on how it was better at the time of Mafia consociative politics, are not selling as they hoped to do.
It would be time for them to deal with realism and a strategic glance, an idea of the world and will of power. If they are not able in any case, it would be better for them to change the menu, because it does not seem that attractive.