Bled white by its civil war (1915-1945) Europe today finds itself in a state of total moral dissolution.
The process of globalization has forced Europe to unite, however, at the moment small minded careerists in Brussels are in control of this united Europe, just as in ancient Ithaca, while Ulysses was still absent, Penelope’s suitors dominated the scene.
All of Europe’s old enemies, all those who have preyed upon Europe in the past, are still fearful of Europe’s power. They have Europe surrounded and wish to see it dismembered.
Some Europeans, tired and demoralized by what is happening to their continent fall a prey to despair and allow themselves to surrender to Europe’s enemies furthering it’s disintegration.
Not us. We refuse to be ensnared by the siren song of surrender, instead we wish to return to Ithaca to reconquer it, liberate it and make it great once more.
In defiance of the European status quo as well as of euroscepticism, we affirm the Europe of nationalities, European civilization, our ancient traditions, a social economy, revolutionary ideas and a desire to create a powerful Europe. A Europe that is confederated and imperial at the same time, a Europe in possession of an Imperium; guarantor of nations, regions, identity, freedom and autonomy, determined to exploit Europe’s immeasurable genius, it’s racial qualities and embrace it’s fate and it’s ability to master it’s own destiny.
As opposed to both those who bow down before the EU and those who wish to secede from it; we move forward with a sure stride and an unwavering eye,with the object of cleansing Brussels in every way, from social policies at the base of society to the qualifications required of Europe’s elite, from a cultural revolution in general terms to specific detailed alternatives in all manner of public policy, up to and including our rise to power. Upwards we intend to go, and ever higher upwards!
No mercy to the suitors at Ithaca!