New beginnings
Author: EurHope
Translator: Michał Szymański
It’s been a few years since EurHope was founded. It is a think-tank dedicated entirely to Europe; to her history, heritage, and the current political and geopolitical challenges that await her.
We have already achieved quite a lot: creating a lot of high-quality materials in various language versions (mainly in English, French, Italian and recently also in Polish thanks to the development of our project). At every moment of our project, we were guided by one overarching conviction that has never left us and that is still on our banner: We need Europe as much as Europe needs us.
Today, however, much more is needed.
The world has accelerated considerably over the past few years. Today we are witnessing problems that still a few years ago, we would not have been able to wrap our heads around. We are faced with questions that are not easy to find answers to today. The exacerbating clash between China and the USA, the progressive disintegration of transatlantic relations, the effects of the migration crisis, and finally the most current one: the global Covid-19 pandemic. All these challenges; if we do not change our attitude, if we do not formulate new concepts and systems – will permanently push Europe off its pedestal and consolidate its inferior status in international relations.
We cannot allow this to happen.
The answer must be a complete reform and restructuring of the legal bases and designs underlying the European Community. The answer to this must be the emergence of a geopolitically independent and strong Europe, capable not only of defending its borders, but also of joint action beyond them in order to actively solve global problems. This is a vision that is fully shared by the members of the EurHope team.
We want to refresh the concept of our project and re-interpret its formula. We want to devote our time and our potential completely to promoting this vision of Europe. So as to professionally and rationally create an alternative perfectly suited to our times.
If you agree with us – join us and create a great work with us!
Contact us: eurhopethinktank@gmail.com
EurHope- Ideas for Europe and the world